The “XML Master” is a professional certification designed to assess an individual’s technical expertise with respect to XML and XML-related technologies.
We, XML Technology Certification Committee, have provided the examination for IT engineers to prove the engineers' XML and XML related technical capability and certify their ability.
For now, engineers from about 50 nations have taken the examination, more than 20,000 professionals across the world have already obtained an XML Master certification.
To promote this certification more worldwide, we are carrying out "XML Master World Promotion 2015".
During the period of this promotion, we present half price or free examination vouchers to the people who have joined the promotion. If you would like to get a discount or a free voucher to take this exam, please join our promotion.
- Promotion Period until Nov.31, 2015
- Awards
- 50%OFF voucher.
We present half price vouchers to the first 50 people who have joined the Promotion.
(The expiration date of the voucher: 31 Dec 2015)
- Free voucher.
Moreover, we present free vouchers by lot to 10 people those who have joined the Promotion during the Promotion period.
(The expiration date ot the voucher : 31 Jan. 2016)
- 50%OFF voucher.
[How to join XMLmaster World Promotion 2015]
This promotion can be applied only once for one person.
- Post your comments to SNS
Please post comments for "XML Master World Promotion 2015" to your SNS (Facebook, twitter, etc.) and let your friends know the information about XML Master.
Please be sure to add the words "XML Master" and the following URL
If you use Facebook, please post it in public so that we can read it.
[XML Master World Promotion 2015]
I found a nice promotion for IT engineers,"XML Master World Promotion 2015"
So cool! I will join this promotion!
If you use Facebook, please post it in public so that we can read it.
- Let us know the information about your post of your SNS.
Please access here and fill out the form.
- Get a voucher
XML office sends a half price voucher (Voucher Number:) to the first 50 people.
Even if you are not in the first 50 people, you have a chance to get a free voucher.
Free vouchers will be sent directly to the 10 winners by the end of December.
(Please accept that we won't contact to the unlucky person)
- Take the exam
Please make the reservation through the Prometric reservation site.
Expiration Date of Voucher
Half price voucher 31 Dec. 2015
Free voucher 31 Jan. 2016
Please do not hesetate to join and get the discout voucher!
XML Technology Certification Committee
Email: office@xmlmaster.org
URL: http://www.xmlmaster.org/en/